4 "signals" to Repot your plants/flowers - Claywares

4 "signals" to Repot your plants/flowers

Repotting time is here, and there are 4 big hints your plant needs a new pot.

Fall is prime time for repotting. It's cool, plants are getting back to their growing ways, and it's the perfect moment for a soil refresh to help them thrive—except for those currently flowering; let them be.

If you're new to the whole plant game, you might not know when to repot. Here are the 4 big hints:

  1. Soil's turned into a rock: If your plant's soil feels more like concrete than dirt, it's time. Soil gets hard and nutrient-poor if it's not refreshed, leaving your plant struggling to grow and bloom. Loosen up the soil regularly and add some compost to keep it healthy.

  2. White stuff on the soil: This crusty layer means the soil is too alkaline, which is a no-go for most houseplants that prefer it on the acidic side. Seeing this means your plant's not happy with its current situation, and you need to change the soil to something more plant-friendly.

  3. Plant's stuck in time: If your plant looks the same way it did months ago—no new leaves, no buds—it's in a rut. This usually means the soil's gone bad. A new pot and fresh soil can help it start growing again.

  4. Roots trying to escape: When roots are peeking out of the pot's bottom or sides, they're crying out for more space. Leaving them cramped up can make your plant sad, with yellow leaves and no flowers. If roots are making a break for it, it's time for a bigger pot.

Now that it's autumn and the air's getting cooler, it's the best time to give your plants the space and soil they need to grow big and strong. Let's give them a fresh start with some good dirt and more room to stretch out.

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